NFAC Louisville Kentucky March – Breonna Taylor
Today, the NFAC (Not Fucking Around Coalition) marched the streets of Louisville, Ky. in full formation. The NFAC descended upon Louisville after local government failed to offer any sort of timeline for the shooting of Breonna Taylor.
The NFAC met at Baxter Park off Jefferson Street Saturday morning around 9am. Each person was signed in upon arrival. Firearms were inspected. I parked a few blocks away from Baxter Park and walked in. I wanted to be sure to leave my car in a spot that I could make a quick getaway if things went off the rails. It’s always a good idea to keep a few exit strategies when photographing any sizable event. While walking from my car to Baxter Park, I noticed several NFAC members securing the perimeter. No one could enter the park without being seen by NFAC.
During firearm inspection, one NFAC member’s gun accidentally discharged. I was standing 15′ away when this happened. Everyone was told to kneel on the ground, anyone trying to run away would be met by NFAC. In total, three NFAC members were hit. NFAC medics rushed in and started tending to the injured while waiting for Louisville EMS and Police to arrive. Needless to say, this delayed the start time of the march to Jefferson Square Park.
Around 2pm, NFAC left Baxter Park and marched down Jefferson Street. LMPD provided roadblocks while several NFAC members stayed one block in front of the main group, checking rooftops and parking garages. Once the group reached Jefferson Square, NFAC leader GrandMaster Jay headed to the courthouse steps to deliver his speech. Protestors gathered and listened, many not agreeing with GrandMaster Jay.
NFAC Louisville Kentucky March – Breonna Taylor